For medium-sized enterprises
Many of our clients are small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This includes industrial enterprises from various sectors as well as IT service providers, software and hardware companies and consultancies.
The IT-Personalberatung specializes in IT and high-tech sectors. We therefore provide our high-quality personnel consulting services to the internal IT departments or IT service companies of our industrial enterprise clients.
An explanation of the terms personnel consulting, personnel placement, Executive Search and headhunting will help you understand what services the IT-Personalberatung can provide you with.

Personnel placement
Personnel placement agencies are often large recruitment agencies whose business model is to acquire as many clients as possible with the help of a sales team or to proactively initiate business relationships, e.g. via job advertisements by sending profiles of potential candidates to the companies advertising the positions. Often, the services are provided without a contract or purely based on success with the objective of filling as many positions as possible with the least amount of effort.
In personnel placement agencies, “personnel administrators” are comparing general job advertisements to candidate profiles. It goes without saying that no high-quality selection and application process can be achieved with this method. Companies looking for employees are faced with far too many unsuitable profiles and do not receive the effective support they need in the war for talent.
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Personnel consulting for small and medium-sized enterprises
The entirety of small and medium-sized enterprises is either planning for or in the middle of digital transformation. Only companies capable of mastering it within the next few years will be among the leading companies in the future. We should also keep in mind that IT is no longer a closed-off sector. IT has become an integral part of every workplace and every department of a company. From specialist personnel to executives to managing directors, IT expertise will be crucial for all positions in the future, and everybody is already part of the digital transformation.
IT experts in the company are tasked with facing and overcoming the IT-related technical challenges of digitization. For small and medium-sized enterprises it is now of fundamental importance to bring the required IT experts on board. And the war for this talent is fiercer than ever. We, the IT-Personalberatung, will help you emerge victorious from this fight. We will bring your new IT experts on board.
It’s not just about providing you with new employees. The entire process is much more demanding. We will cooperate with you to establish and successfully implement an overall long-term strategy to attract the best IT experts for you. In the run-up to making strategic personnel decisions, our personnel consultants will help you develop the right corporate identity and increase your visibility in a fiercely competitive candidate market. We will provide you with information about the candidates' expectations, the market situation and salary structures, will guide you through successful application processes and will find, attract and win the best experts for your company.
How do we achieve that?
- We take the time to understand our clients' business, goals and kind of skills they are looking for in an employee, whether in management or operations. This enables us to achieve the best possible results for both the company and the candidate.
- We have special instruments, methods and skills to identify, approach and evaluate candidates and to interest them in applying.
- We will conduct the whole pre-selection process for you and accompany and support the candidates through the entire application process.
- We know the candidates' values and expectations - interactions during the application process, reliability, expectations for feedback, working conditions, contractual arrangements, etc.
- We will give you extensive advice on how to conduct a successful recruitment process.
- We know the legal aspects with regard to company and applicant data (GDPR).
- We do not consider the placement process terminated until after the new employee has successfully completed the probationary period.
These services in their entirety are what we understand as high-quality personnel consulting.

Executive Search services by the IT-Personalberatung
We use “Executive Search” to find candidates for our clients‘ executive and top positions. Our personnel consultants will conduct a targeted search for the best candidates to fill these demanding, first-rate positions and will guide them through an intensive and highly personal application process.
After determining the job profile for exceptional vacancies as well as the desired professional expertise and the equally important personal skills, a particularly high-quality selection and recruiting process is performed during the Executive Search. Among other things, we will create a list of target companies where potential candidates are suspected. We analyze competitors and target companies using a broad range of criteria. We pay particular attention to the approach of potential candidates. Executives are demanding and know exactly what they are looking for. They have a certain set of criteria to determine whether they even consider a change. It is our task to select the right criteria to win over the “heads of”.
We are professional, personable and highly reliable at all times and directly approach suitable candidates. This is also referred to as headhunting, which is why personnel consultants are also known as headhunters.
Examples of typical positions in Executive Search:
- Chief Executive Officer for IT companies (CEO)
- Area Manager and Chief Information Officer (CIO)
- Chief Digital Officer (CDO)
- Chief Operating Officer (COO)
- Head of Online Marketing and E-Commerce
- Data Center Manager
- Hardware and Software Development Manager
- Head of Product Management
- Head of Application Support
- Head of Professional Services
- etc.
Examples of typical specialist positions in IT:
- Team Leader in various departments
- Strategy Consultant and Change Management Consultant
- Project Leader and Project Manager
- Product Manager
- Consultant
- Application Consultant
- Chief Developer
- etc.