Our Events
In this section, you will find a list of various events which were either organized by the IT-Personalberatung or in which we participated.
10 years of IT-Personalberatung - glamorous celebration at the Palazzo in Stuttgart
On 30 January 2025, IT-Personalberatung Dr. Dienst & Wenzel GmbH & Co. KG celebrated its 10th anniversary with a glamorous celebration in the stylish ambience of the Palazzo in Stuttgart.
The event, which brought together the entire IT-Personalberatung team, was the highlight of the anniversary meeting and a celebration of the successful collaboration and excellent market position that the IT-Personalberatung has built up over the last 10 years.
EHI Technology Days 2024: Innovations in the retail sector
The EHI Technology Days on November 5 and 6 made it impressively clear that technological innovations are the key to the future of retail. For the customer, shopping must be an experience and a “place of happiness”.
The annual EHI Technology Days are extremely valuable for the IT recruitment consultancy in order to keep up to date with the latest technologies and trends in the retail sector. This is the only way to fill our clients' vacant positions with optimally suited IT experts.
This year, IT-Personalberatung was represented by Fau Anita De Bellis, Management Consultant and Mr. Manfred Wenzel, Managing Director at the EHI Technology Days 2024 in Bonn.
25th German Personnel Consultants’ Day by the BDU
On June 11, 2024, the 25th German Personnel Consultants Day organized by the Federal Association of German Management Consultants (BDU) took place at the Steigenberger Hotel in Petersberg, marking its 25th anniversary.
For the IT-Personalberatung this has been an inspiring event for many years, with exciting lectures and plenty of food for thought, perfectly organized and in a beautiful atmosphere.
This year we were represented by our long-time consultant and partner Viktoria Roenick.
Read her report from the event
embedded world 2024 in Nuremberg (April 9 – 11, 2024)
The embedded world 2024 in Nuremberg provides a place to meet for the entire embedded community as well as a unique overview of the state-of-the-art in this versatile industry.
The IT-Personalberatung was represented at the fair by its long-standing consultant and partner Mathias Voigt.
LogiMAT 2024 – the largest and most personal trade fair to date
With over 100,000 people, this was the largest and most successful LogiMAT of all times.
How could it also have been the most personal trade fair?
Find out more in the IT-Personalberatung’s event report
FINANCE SUMMIT 2023 by the Boerse Stuttgart Group
Due to her activities as a management consultant and her many years of experience in the financial markets, our consultant Anita De Bellis was invited to the exclusive event FINANCE SUMMIT 2023 hosted by the Boerse Stuttgart Group - a gathering of the key protagonists in finance, economy and politics.
German Personnel Consultants’ Day in Bonn on June 26 and 27 with the participation of the IT Personalberatung
The IT-Personalberatung is a member of the BDU (Federal Association of German Management Consultants), which emphasizes our commitment to quality when it comes to filling executive, sales, and specialist positions in IT.
The "Förderkreis krebskranke Kinder Stuttgart e.V." is always worth a donation
We have made it an annual tradition to support an organization helping people in need.
Read more about our Christmas donation 2022
Reintegration of disadvantaged people into society (Christmas 2021)
This year, the IT-Personalberatung would like to support the Landshuter Netzwerk e.V., who have been committed to helping disadvantaged people in our society.
All about the Christmas donation 2021
Christmas 2020: “Better Together”
A welcome donation for www.silberpfoten.de
Our Christmas donation goes to the initiative “Silberpfoten” (“Silver Paws”) by the Tierschutzverein Stuttgart und Umgebung e.V. (Animal Protection Association for Stuttgart and Surrounding Areas), which provides to the elderly, helping them find courage and hope for the future.
Learn more about Silberpfoten e.V.

Logistik Digital 2020 – Between Vision and Practice
The Chamber of Industry and Commerce Lower Rhine invited members of the logistics community to the Mercatorhalle in Duisburg to discuss the development of logistics in the digital age with renowned experts on February 19, 2020.
Digitization is changing the rules of the game in logistics and is affecting business models, future technologies and the skills required of employees.

STARTUPS are boosting the economy
On February 13, 2020 at the Böhler Area in Düsseldorf with more than 175 startup companies
The Digital Demo Day has taken place for the fourth time in a row in Düsseldorf with around 4,000 visitors. The IT-Personalberatung Dr. Dienst & Wenzel GmbH & Co.KG was represented at this event by its consultant Sonja Groell-Archut.

Workshop series “Digital Scouts” – Information event on February 04, 2020 in Oberhausen
Digitization strategies for small and medium-sized enterprises
This special workshop series aims to prepare employees of small and medium-sized enterprises for the challenges of digitization. These “Digital Scouts” shall be able to trigger digitization processes in their companies. The IT-Personalberatung Dr. Dienst & Wenzel GmbH & Co.KG is an important partner for its clients on the road to digital transformation and when it comes to attracting the required IT specialists. This is why the IT-Personalberatung supports this workshop series with its consultant Sonja Groell-Archut.

Christmas 2019: “Support for children with cancer”
We at the IT-Personalberatung Dr. Dienst & Wenzel GmbH & Co.KG were deeply touched by the voluntary work of the association “Gänseblümchen-Voerde e. V. (Lower Rhine Region)” to support children with cancer. This is why we decided that this year’s donation goes to this association in the hope that our generous donation will bring joy to the children.
Instead of sending Christmas presents to our clients, the IT-Personalberatung decided to support needy children and adolescents in the local environment of our company or its subsidiaries, in this case in the Lower Rhine Region.

EHI Technology Days 2019
The EHI Technology Days have been offering a glimpse into the future of trade every year for over 15 years. The IT-Personalberatung, represented by its managing director Manfred Wenzel, is a welcome, regular participant in this event, as many customers in IT retail rely on the services offered by the IT-Personalberatung.
Mr. Wenzel always considers the EHI Technology Days a worthwhile event, not only because IT retail is like “one big family”. It is also worthwhile because it is always a pleasure to meet long-standing, cherished, business partners and to establish new, interesting contacts with decision-makers in trade. Last but not least, it is also worthwhile to stay on top of the current technologies and trends in trade.

Stuttgart Knowledge Forum 2019
The Stuttgart Knowledge Forum is an event we at the IT-Personalberatung – as Top 100 Entrepreneurs chosen by Speakers Excellence – have been attending for many years and one which we are always looking forward to with great anticipation.
This year, Philip Keil (pilot, non-fiction writer, aviation expert, trainer and consultant) dazzled us with his gripping storytelling and expert knowledge in the fields of change management, leadership and teamwork. In the air, you have to rely on yourself and your team and sometimes, unfortunately, highly critical situations arise that require decisiveness. Mr. Keil has encountered this kind of situation himself in his over 8.000 flying hours.

HIS Trade Information Systems Conference 2019
Our consultant Thomas Danner attends the IT/Trade Information Systems Conference at the University of Münster every year.
This event is primarily aimed at decision-makers from medium-sized trade companies dealing with the integration of IT-Systems, processes and organization in their companies.
One of the highlights of the Trade Information Systems Conference are the keynote speeches by IT and process managers from the trade industry sharing their experiences with information technologies and forecasting potential innovation activities.

Headhunter of the Year 2019 – top grades from our candidates
Academy Awards in Germany? And all winners are members of the personnel consulting industry? Something like that actually exists?
Experteer, the organizer, calls the award for the best personnel consultant the "Oscar of the personnel consulting industry" - an award that is becoming increasingly important every year. We too see certain similarities to Hollywood.

Digital Heroes Festival
We participated in the Digital Heroes Festival in Stuttgart as Top 100 Entrepreneurs chosen by Speakers Excellence, and fully enjoyed the vibrant, innovative atmosphere. What a day full of new ideas, energy and presentations!

Monster Symposium 2019
Modern recruiting needs digitization to meet the applicants' expectations for a quick and result-oriented application process. However, our main focus should be on the individual that needs to be approached and engaged on a personal level.
At the Monster Symposium 2019, more than 300 participants from the HR sector explored the changes and challenges brought about by the digitization of recruitment processes and work environments.

The “SWR Aktuell” radio show conducted an interview with the experts of the IT Personalberatung Dr. Dienst & Wenzel GmbH & Co.KG.
Topic: The shortage of IT specialists in Germany and the expansion of the search for personnel to EU countries outside Germany. In particular, we talked about how to attract IT specialists to a company taking the Federal Armed Forces as an example.
We are very proud to have been chosen as experts for these hot topics by the SWR team.
The interview was conducted between Ms. Dagmar Freudenreich, presenter of the radio show "SWR Aktuell" and Dr. Peter Dienst, managing director of the IT-Personalberatung.

This year‘s donation: “Making young people fit for work”
"The great aim of education is not knowledge but action." (Herbert Spencer (1820 - 1903))
Inspired by this quote, the IT Personalberatung Dr. Dienst & Wenzel GmbH & Co.KG made a generous donation to the Diakonische Jugendhilfe Region Heilbronn (DJHN) (Youth Welfare Service for the Heilbronn Region) this year.
The IT-Personalberatung has been supporting needy children and adolescents in the regional proximity of the company or its branch offices for some years, this year in the Heilbronn region.

Stuttgart Knowledge Forum 2018
This year, the IT-Personalberatung participated once again in the Stuttgart Knowledge Forum (held on October 19, 2018) as Top 100 Entrepreneurs.
German management and personality experts prepared captivating contributions to provide the participants with powerful inspiration for their companies.

MONSTER Recruiting Day 2018
Our consultant Viktoria Roenick represented the IT-Personalberatung at the MONSTER Recruiting Day 2018 and gathered lots of valuable information. She was particularly impressed by the following presentation:
Digitization in HR and Mobile Recruiting
This presentation by Professor Dr. Sven Laumer introduced Viktoria Roenick to alien beings: Chatbots, the digital users' best friends. Why, you ask?

Headhunter of the Year 2018 - Highest seal of approval in the category “Candidate Experience”
The award ceremony for the "Headhunter of the Year" 2018 took place on June 14, 2018 at a festive evening gala at the hotel Bayerischer Hof in Munich.
This year, our services once again earned the ultimate seal of approval by receiving a six star rating by the high-profile panel of experts of the "Headhunter of the Year" award.
We are particularly proud of the fact that applicants and candidates rewarded our special services with top ratings in a survey.

Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality and Deep Learning – the Hot Topics at the Events in the Fourth Quarter of 2017
In the fourth quarter of 2017, the IT-Personalberatung participated in various technology and innovation events to be able to deliver top candidates for our clients' critical positions within the scope of the digital transformation.
Amongst others, we attended the following events:
- Stuttgart Knowledge Forum - as Top 100 Entrepreneurs chosen by Speakers Excellence
- EHI Technology Days in Düsseldorf - with Manfred Wenzel and Viktoria Roenick as experts for the retail and logistics sectors
- Private banking event in Vienna - to acquire knowledge in this sector

Support for the outpatient Mainz children and young people Hospice (December 2017)
Christmas provides a welcome opportunity to help people in need. For our client companies, this has become a holiday tradition.
The care provided by the Mainz Hospice Company has touched us deeply. It offers outpatient palliative and hospice counseling to those facing the challenges of serious illness and the end of life.
This is why this year we took a quote by Leo Tolstoy to heart: "Remember that there is only one important time and that is now".
We want to help make the lives of children whose time is running out, and of their families, a bit easier and more comfortable.
For this reason, we made a generous donation to the outpatient child and youth hospice service run by the Mainz Hospice Association Christophorus e.V.
Further information is available under:
LEGENDARY SPORTS CARS: What's the Link between a Safety Car and Business?
On June 09 and 10, 2017, the event LEGENDARY SPORTS CARS took place once again in Zell am See and the surrounding Alps. As in the past, Manfred Wenzel participated by offering his Jaguar as a "race taxi".
His impressions of this event and a link for a video with live footage can be found

Headhunter of the Year 2017
This year, the IT-Personalberatung Dr. Dienst & Wenzel GmbH & Co. KG participated for the first time in the award "HEADHUNTER OF THE YEAR", culminating in an elegant and eventful gala night on June 01, 2017. The "Headhunter of the Year" award honors the best personnel consulting firms in Germany for outstanding achievements in four different categories: Executive Search, Best Newcomer, Candidate Experience and Client Experience.

Lasting Impressions from the PERSONAL SÜD Trade Fair held on May 9-10, 2017 in Stuttgart
On May 9-10, 2017, the PERSONAL SÜD and the concurrently held Corporate Health Convention took place in the largest exhibition hall of the Trade Fair Stuttgart. Over 5000 executives and employees of personnel consultancies came together to discuss the latest developments in the working world at Southern Germany's largest trade fair for personnel management. 315 exhibitors presented the latest solutions on the market.

International Partner Meetings
Two events with our international partner organizations CSA (Continental Search Alliance) and ISPA (International Search Partners Association) gave us the opportunity for a lively exchange of ideas to further expand our range of services for clients and candidates.

Digitization Means Change – 19th German Personnel Consultants’ Day
With around 200 participants, this year's German Personnel Consultants' Day in Bonn, organized by the Federal Association of German Management Consultants (BDU), was once again a highlight for all personnel consultants and headhunters active in this sector!
In view of the predominant theme of digital revolution and digital transformation, all challenges and change processes are clearly centered around the human being and the human capital.
This year the IT-Personalberatung once again attended this event.

EuroShop – The World’s No. 1 Retail Trade Fair
The IT-Personalberatung is focused on information technology and high-tech topics. However, most consultants choose to specialize in additional sectors or areas of technology. Viktoria Roenick and Manfred Wenzel, for example, specialize in IT in retail and logistics. Visiting the EuroShop trade fair is therefore a "must" for Ms. Roenick and Mr. Wenzel to keep track of the latest technological developments, to recognize trends, to strengthen our customer network and to gain the special and valuable access to the IT retail candidate market.

Support for the “Förderkreis krebskranke Kinder Stuttgart e.V.”
As we were able to witness first hand how our donation has helped ease the burden of children with cancer and their families in need last year, we decided to make another donation this year to the "Förderkreis krebskranke Kinder Stuttgart e.V.", putting the money we would have spent on Christmas gifts for our clients and partners towards a good cause.
The "Förderkreis krebskranke Kinder Stuttgart e.V." supports children and their parents in need during their treatment and therapy. The project "Blaues Haus" offers families and their sick children a temporal home away from home. Affected families can stay there during their child's inpatient treatment, find some rest and, most importantly, be very near to their children as the "Blaue Haus" is located in the immediate vicinity of the new Olgahospital children's clinic.
You can find further information under:

Speakers Excellence: Knowledge Forum 2016
This year marked the first year the IT-Personalberatung participated in the Knowledge Forum at the Porsche Arena after being selected as "TOP 100 Excellent Entrepreneur" by Speakers Excellence. We were once again inspired by the demanding, compact transfer of knowledge through top speakers as well as by the numerous suggestions to explore new avenues. This year, we were particularly impressed with Mr. Matthias Pöhm's lecture titled "Are you still delivering presentations or are you already captivating your audience?", which we would like to share with you:

Revolutionary technologies and high suspense at the 18th Annual German Personnel Consultants’ Day
The around 160 participants were captivated by the fascinating topics. Technologies have been evolving at a rapid pace, and topical trends such as Digitization, Industry 4.0 and Omnichannel are changing the labor market and are creating unprecedented challenges for those working in the IT sector.
The Federal Association of German Management Consultants (BDU) is holding the annual German Personnel Consultants' Day, which received an excellent rating from this year's participants. You will find detailed information on the congress section on the BDU's website.
The IT-Personalberatung once again attended this event, represented by the managing directors Dr. Peter Dienst and Manfred Wenzel. Both were particularly fascinated by the presentation of Mr. Thomas Schulz (Der SPIEGEL), who gave a captivating account of his observations on Silicon Valley, one of the world's leading hubs for high tech innovation and development:

EuroCIS: Top performances in the IT-Personalberatung can only be achieved through industry expertise!
As a specialist in the retail industry, we consider the EuroCIS to be one of the most important events of the year. This time, it turned out to be a particularly exciting and highly motivating "excursion" into the latest developments in retail technology.
The battle for customers by means of new realms of experience based on sophisticated IT technologies faces retail with major challenges. Innovative shopping technologies offer more and more services and take even industry insiders by surprise.

Donation to the “Förderkreis krebskranke Kinder Stuttgart e.V.“, a support group for children with cancer in Stuttgart, on the occasion of our Christmas greetings to our clients and partners
This past year, we got into contact with the "Förderkreis krebskranke Kinder Stuttgart e.V." and their patient family housing program "Das Blaue Haus", a home from home where parents can stay during their child's treatment, and were deeply moved by the activities of this institution. You can find more information under: http://www.foerderkreis-krebskranke-kinder.de.
When planning this year's Christmas wishes, we therefore decided to donate the money we would have spent on gift and parcel services to this support group.
We are delighted that we have been able to donate EUR 1050 to the support group.
We would also like to express our warm thanks to our clients and partners, who indirectly contributed to this donation.
Manfred Wenzel and Dr. Peter Dienst

Review Knowledge Forum 2015
Over the course of many years, the Speakers Excellence Knowledge Forum has established itself as a top event for high-caliber moderators, contributors and speakers, who are capturing their audience with inspiring lectures, impulses and shows and provide valuable suggestions for successful companies.
As a member of the "Top 100 Trainers" of Speakers Excellence, the IT-Personalberatung and its consultants participated in this event.

Legendary sports cars at Zell am See Airport
A different kind of networking: 50 businessmen - 50 different sports cars!
Social networking platforms like Xing, LinkedIn, or Facebook have their merits and provide a valuable source of contact and information.But to be honest, how often have they really helped you gain new customers and contracts?
I am firmly convinced that nothing can compete with live events, and I have numerous examples that prove my point.