
Digitization Means Change – 19th German Personnel Consultants’ Day

With around 200 participants, this year's German Personnel Consultants' Day in Bonn, organized by the Federal Association of German Management Consultants (BDU), was once again a highlight for all personnel consultants and headhunters active in this sector!


The following link will take you directly to the BDU's congress website.


In view of the predominant theme of digital revolution and digital transformation, all challenges and change processes are clearly centered around the human being and the human capital. No other professional group is affected by this as much as personnel managers and personnel consultants.


Click here to see a video of the event: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6Ti-jGBGBI


This year the IT-Personalberatung once again attended this event. In our opinion, the most emotional lecture was held by Prof. Dr. Christian Erich Elger, Director of the Clinic for Epileptology of Bonn University and a renowned expert in the field of brain research.


His report is concerned with how, from a neurobiological point of view, preceding unconscious stimuli can influence or trigger subsequent actions - a completely underestimated aspect of human interactions.


Can you imagine how these findings could be used to influence e.g. the signing of contracts, the decision for certain products or the payment behavior?


In the extract from the BDU's congress newspaper "Personnel Consulting in the Limelight Issue 2017" published on the occasion of the German Personnel Consultants' Day, Prof. Dr. Christian Erich Elger further investigates this topic in his article titled "Human Decision-Making Behavior from a Neurobiological Perspective".